When I was 10 I was given a Simpsons film camera. It was rubbish and the photos were terrible, but I loved it. It was amazing to me that I could document what I was doing (which was mainly watching The Simpsons to be honest)

Even now I still have those photos that were developed from the film in that little green Simpsons camera. Like I said, they're pretty rubbish, but they're real moments, and they still take me back to being 10 even now. This is something that's stayed with me through the years as I've progressed and bought sliiiggghhttlly better cameras. It's all about moments. Real moments in time that will be treasured and looked back on forever. It honestly gives me the biggest buzz when I capture a genuine smile, a single tear, or a big belly laugh. Real moments, from real people. In a social media age where things often struggle to feel genuine I think there’s nothing more important than making your day real and connecting with yourselves and how you want it to look. 

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