
Manchester Alternative Wedding Elopement: Amy + Steve

Look at these two! This one ticked a lot of boxes for me. I love that alternative wedding vibe, the industrial wedding venue look, the untraditional wedding dress and that rock and roll bride jacket (from Niamh Designs-check her out!). And to top it all off, it was up in sunny Manchester, one of my favourite cities. An elopement wedding in Manchester, what’s not to love!?

I won’t talk for too long, I’ll let you guys crack on with the pics. Keep an eye out for some big confetti moments, mad wallpaper in the venue (not for the faint of heart!) and even some crazy acrobatics over the side of a car park (don’t look down…)

I could shoot this one everyday, this was an alternative wedding photographer’s dream. Can we do it again please guys?!