
Stockbrook Manor: Ria & Tony

Tony and Ria’s big day was here! The day started off at their home in Stanford Le Hope where Ria and the bridal party were getting ready. The makeup and hair were done, the shoes and dress were on, and we were off to Stockbrook Manor!

I arrived to find Tony and his groomsmen waiting at the front of the ceremony, shaking off a couple of last minute nerves. The ceremony went without a hitch, and these two had big beaming smiles that didn’t budge all day!

After a bit of time with guests, we went for a quick walk around the grounds to grab a few snaps of the happy couple, before heading back and jumping into the group shots. After a bunch of canapes, fizzy stuff and time with guests, everyone made their way inside for dinner.

Next up, speeches! Lots of laughter, lots of love. . .and the whole time I was keeping an eye on the sunset brewing outside! As soon as they were over I came to see if our newlyweds fancied a few more snaps, and they did! These are some of my favourite photos of the day, so I’m so glad they were up for it. We popped out to the balcony for a couple of pics, before heading to the front of the venue where the sun was reeeaallly showing off!

Once the evening guests had arrived, we made our way back upstairs for the cake cut and first dance. Once this dance floor was open, there was no getting these guys off! I was there through to the very end, and they didn’t stop all night. 

I loved this one! I got to spend the day with two of the nicest people and some great wedding suppliers too, what’s not to love?! Big congrats guys!