
Red Brick Barn: Ellen + Liam

This was a belter of a wedding! I. LOVED. IT. It was a proper chilled wedding, nothing too formal, just what I love!

The day started at Ellen’s house where she was getting ready with her bridesmaids. All chilled, all big laughs, no big nerves. Perfect! She was soon getting into her dress and after a few snaps with the girls, we were ready to go!

We arrived to find Liam in the barn whilst guests found their seats. The registrars soon arrived and it was time to get this show going! In came Ellen, beaming from ear to ear, and these two finally got to say their “I do’s”! They were soon walking back up the aisle with big grins, ready to get this party started. . . just as soon as this little patch of rain passed. The weather God’s were on our side though, and after some canapés and a bit of mingling, the sun came out and we made our way outside to throw some confetti and grab some snaps of the happy couple.

We soon jumped into a few group shots before heading back to the guests to enjoy the day with them. After tucking into a banging BBQ buffet, the sun started to dip and the clouds parted to give us one hell of a sunset! We dashed over to the surrounding fields to make the most of the light and grabbed a load of snaps, making it back to the guests just in time for speeches.

Once the speeches were finished, and all those happy tears were wiped away, we had a little bit of time to greet evening guests whilst I snapped away in the background, before heading into the first dance. Once the first dance was done, you couldn’t stop these guys from dancing. This dance floor is high up there on my dance floor leaderboard! It was an absolute banger!

Honestly, I couldn’t be happier for these guys, they’re two of the loveliest people and I genuinely had such a great day with them all. Congrats guys!