
Pontlands Park: Lina & Ahmed

It was Lina and Ahmed’s big day! I loved this wedding, I was only with these guys for a few hours, but I had an amazing time with them. The day started at Pontlands Park, where these two legends said no to tradition and rolled up to the venue together! They made their way to the ceremony room and walked up the aisle together, and I loved it. Tradition is amazing, but I love it when a couple says “nope, we’re doing this our way!”

The ceremony was intimate and beautiful, surrounded by their nearest and dearest. And we soon had two newlyweds beaming with smiles! It had been chucking it down with rain all night and all day, but the sun was finally making an appearance, and we made sure we made the most of it. We hopped into the cars and made the quick trip to the field next door to Pontlands Park. It was wet, it was muddy, but nothing was stopping these two. I’ve honestly never seen a couple go for it quite like these two. They were fully committed to getting the shots!

After getting wet, muddy, and loads of great shots, we made our way back to the venue for a few more pics (couldn’t go home without a quick snap on that amazing staircase!). I soon left the happy couple to enjoy the rest of the day with their guests. It may have been a short day for me, but I had a ball with these two.

Big congrats guys!